Gerry Canavan

the smartest kid on earth

Sunday Sunday

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* The bizarre part is that the only people being asked to Seriously Question Their Motives and Practices, or who are facing scrutiny for what they did, are the climate scientists who just got robbed, even though there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that they have actually done anything clearly unethical. (The worst bit is the suggestion as to deleting emails, something that everyone concedes is pretty bad and nobody is defending, though there’s no proof anything was ever deleted.) More important, nothing in all this nonsense even approaches a challenge to the science that shows the reality of global climate change, at least to a reasonable person.

* The Gambler Who Blew $127 Million. (via Eric Barker)

* Also from Eric’s blog: The Rise and Fall of MySpace.

* Casino capitalism: the foolproof path to prosperity. Via Atrios.

* The mayor of Arlington, Tennessee, is today’s douchebag of liberty.

Russell Wiseman (R), the mayor of Arlington, Tenn., posted an item to his Facebook page with a theory about the timing. Wiseman wrote:

Ok, so, this is total crap, we sit the kids down to watch “The Charlie Brown Christmas Special” and our muslim [sic] president is there, what a load…..try to convince me that wasn’t done on purpose. Ask the man if he believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he will give you a 10 minute disertation [sic] about it….w…hen [sic] the answer should simply be “yes”

This guy seriously believes the White House could have picked any date for the speech, but officials picked Tuesday because of an animated Christmas program.

The mayor added that the United States is now a “Muslim country,” and then pined for the days of yore. “[Y]ou know, our forefathers had it written in the original Constitution that ONLY property owners could vote, if that has [sic] stayed in there, things would be different,” Wiseman wrote.

Palin/Wiseman ’12?

* Another publication has realized that the problem is the Senate. Via Yglesias.

* The headline reads, “McG Announces Two More Terminator Movies, Reality May Have Other Plans.”

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