Gerry Canavan

the smartest kid on earth

Posts Tagged ‘poll tests

Sunday Morning Post-Rapture Links

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* Pharyngula, buzzkill, makes the whole “Rapture” craze this weekend seem a lot less funny. At least we’ll always have alternative_eschatology.jpg.

* The headline reads: “Utah law makes acting sexy illegal.” Just don’t tell the atheists.

* How a third-party Palin run might benefit the GOP.

* How the Big Bird puppet works. I don’t know that I ever really thought enough about this to have a “theory” on how Big Bird works, but I definitely thought Big Bird was more of a suit than a puppet—which I realize in retrospect is about as close to “I always thought Big Bird was real” as an adult can comfortably get.

* Mitch Daniels won’t run. This is very good news for Pawlenty, who looks increasingly unbeatable—though a number of my right-wing relatives who used to think experience was the most important qualification for the presidency seem quite enraptured with pizza magnate Herman Cain. The rest of my Republican relatives appear, unbelievably, to be waiting for Jeb.

* Mark Schmitt on intergenerational warfare from Paul Ryan and the GOP. Via Matt Yglesias, who highlights once again the centrality of 1973/1974 as the key turning point in U.S. economic and political history.

* More intergenerational warfare from the GOP: Newt wants poll tests for “young people.”

* And a single, striking thought: what if all the objections to Marx’s thought are mistaken?