Gerry Canavan

the smartest kid on earth

Posts Tagged ‘Liberia

Six More for Monday Night

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* Breaking Bad, That Phone Call, and Bad Fans.

But what was truly fascinating about that phone call was that if it was trolling the Bad Fan, it was also trolling me: the sort of feminist-minded sucker who took the speech at face value, for nearly an hour, until I suddenly realized, in a flash of clarity, that it was a fake-out for the police. (Skyler realized long before I did.) Once my analytical skills flared back into being, I was stunned by the moment’s effectiveness. I mean, on one level, that speech was just what it looked like: Walt venting every toxic feeling he’d ever had about his wife. On another level, it was the opposite: it was Walt pretending to be an abusive husband, as a gift to Skyler. It was an apology to her, as well as an attempt to get her off the hook legally, to honor Holly saying “Mama.” Walt’s language was pretty much a PowerPoint presentation of abuser behavior, designed to make Skyler’s case in court proceedings. And yet it still had the sting of catharsis, letting Walt say what he felt: that Skyler is a whiner, a nag, a drag, responsible for anything that happened to her…

Blattman, who is known for his frank approach to decoding college and graduate school for students on his blog (he once wrote a “how-to” post on e-mailing professors), outlines protocol for would-be advisees in a new post called “If you want to be my student.” Described as “advice on how to manage [me],” it links to a page on Blattman’s website for Ph.D. students.

* Ideology at its purest: Glen James, the homeless man who returned a backpack of $2,400 in cash and $39,500 in traveler’s checks, was honored today by the Boston Police Department.

* David Souter: Fund the humanities or face national extinction.

On Game Day, Dallas Cowboys Stadium Uses More Energy Than Liberia.

* And the CDC officially wants you to be terrified: “We Will Soon Be in a Post-Antibiotic Era.”