Gerry Canavan

the smartest kid on earth

Posts Tagged ‘Captain America 2

Official Podcast of This Arbitrary Amount of Time: “I Was There Too”

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Wednesday Links! Seriously a Lot!

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Like C.P. Snow’s two cultures of the humanities and the sciences, a new bimodal view of higher education is becoming increasingly important at the start of the twenty-first century: one that sees the goal of universities as developing “the whole person” and another that sees it as largely or even exclusively in terms of job training. The Two Cultures of Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century and Their Impact on Academic Freedom.

* Academic search season watch: How To Tailor a Job Letter (Without Flattering, Pandering, or Begging).

* Episode 21 of Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men (with Kurt Busiek) is a great look at how Marvel’s sausage is made. Give it a listen if you’re a fan of the comics…

* Communism for Children.

* Time for the Libya mea culpas.

* TNI Syllabus: Gaming and Feminism.

* Tainted by its misogyny and embrace of consumption as a way of life, gamer culture isn’t worth saving.

What Happened To Jennifer Lawrence Was Sexual Assault.

* The Police Tool That Pervs Use to Steal Nude Pics From Apple’s iCloud.

* Steve Shaviro: Twenty-Two Theses on Nature.

* Even the Department of Education thinks their rating system will be a mess.

* How the University Drinks.

* Yale’s tax exempt New Haven property worth $2.5 billion.

Thirty-two teens escaped from a Nashville youth detention center by crawling under a weak spot in a fence late Monday, and nine of them were still on the run Tuesday, a spokesman said.

* Change Of Habit: How Seattle Cops Fought An Addiction To Locking Up Drug Users.

* Three Myths About Police Body Cams.

* Jeff Mizanskey Is Serving Life in Prison for Marijuana.

Scientists Find ‘Alarming’ Amount Of Arsenic In Groundwater Near Texas Fracking Sites.

* Can journalistic ethics include nonhuman perspectives?

* Better Identification of Viking Corpses Reveals: Half of the Warriors Were Female.

All The Game Of Thrones Fan Theories You Absolutely Need To Know.

* NIH finally makes good with Henrietta Lacks’ family.

Twenty Days of Harassment and Racism as an American Apparel Employee.

Durham Public Schools dumps Teach for America.

* The Four-Year-Old’s Workday.

Texas School Won’t Let Native American Attend His First Day Of Kindergarten Because Of His Long Hair.

* Rape culture and Title IX at the University of Kansas.

“Duke University seeks a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. If you’d like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you’ve had to help us understand you better — perhaps related to a community you belong to, your sexual orientation or gender identity, or your family or cultural background — we encourage you to do so. Real people are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real people applying to Duke.”

Students at the Barricades.

* Twitter has an algorithm that assigns gender to its users.

* Why top tech CEOs want employees with liberal arts degrees.

* In Virginia, thousands of day-care providers receive no oversight. After a child’s death, parents grapple with second guesses.

Unlike most other states, Wisconsin does not recognize prisoners’ good behavior with credits toward accelerated release.  Wisconsin had such a “good time” program for well over a century, but eliminated it as part of the policy changes in the 1980s and 1990s that collectively left the state unusually — perhaps even uniquely — inflexible in its terms of imprisonment. Why No “Good Time” in Wisconsin?

* Now we see the violence inherent in the system: Meet The Guy Who Spent Seven Months Killing Everyone In Fallout 3.

* When Disney forbade Stan Lee’s original cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy. When they cut Hawkeye’s bit from Captain America 2.

* Rule of law watch: The Dumb Line In New York’s Constitution That Could Elect A Governor Most Of The State Doesn’t Want.

* For the geeks: How Randall “xkcd” Munroe wrote What If?

* Time Travel Simulation Resolves “Grandfather Paradox.” Bah! We need to go back in time and prevent this simulation from ever being devised!

* The arc of history is long, but: HBO has commissioned some sort of new Flight Of The Conchords show.

The Most Compelling Athlete In America Right Now Is Here To Play Chess.

* And just because it’s Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we’re nearing collapse.

Written by gerrycanavan

September 3, 2014 at 9:00 am

Posted in Look at what I found on the Internet

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I Can’t Believe It’s June Links

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* CFPs: MLA Subconference 2015 and Society for Utopian Studies 2014.

* Rebecca Schuman has the best my-thoughts-exactly rundown of the MLA Task Force report I’ve seen.

Called psychylustro, German artist Katharina Grosse’s project is a large-scale work designed to distract Amtrak train riders from the dilapidated buildings and fallen factories of north Philadelphia.

* “But, Sergei,” I protested (I forget his actual name), “that didn’t happen because capitalists just decided to be nice. That happened because they were all afraid of you.” More Graeber:  I’m thinking of a labor movement, but one very different than the kind we’ve already seen. A labor movement that manages to finally ditch all traces of the ideology that says that work is a value in itself, but rather redefines labor as caring for other people.

* Is my high school, Lake Area New Tech, a prison or school?

School Guard Filmed Hitting Student, Dumping Him From Wheelchair.

* Translating Frozen into Arabic.

* The Anxieties of Big Data.

* Maya Angelou, Respectability Politics, and Sex Work.

* Revolution and American Indians: “Marxism is as Alien to My Culture as Capitalism.”

* The Way We Live Now: Faking Cultural Literacy.

* Just Following Orders: Thoughts on Agents of SHIELD‘s First Season.

In reality, after seven decades of growing into each other, it shouldn’t be so easy to separate out SHIELD from Hydra. On the one hand, Hydra should have so completely infested SHIELD as to taint all but the most minute of its good acts–as evidenced by the fact that even the good guys, who aren’t shooting at Captain America, were perfectly OK with SHIELD’s rampant trampling of privacy and civil rights before these escalated to mass murder. And on the other hand, SHIELD’s protocols and organizational culture are the ones that nearly all Hydra agents were trained in, which would shape their habits of thought even as they employ their training to evil ends. No matter who they swear allegiance too, SHIELD and Hydra agents should be pretty hard to tell apart, and the lofty or vile ideals that guide them should, in all but the most extreme cases of true believers, be less present in their psychological makeup than institutional culture.

* Ames notes the migration of rage massacres from the workplace (in the 80s) to the school (during the 1990s), a trajectory that followed the generalization of neoliberal principles into the US education system. In their suicide notes, school shooters also referenced prolonged bullying, as the entrepreneurial values of mainstream American culture found schoolyard expression in concentrated form, and the gulf between the school’s winners and its losers became more pronounced and more significant. Like the workplace gunman, the teenage killer embraced mass murder as a brutal and incoherent expression of social despair.

In Florida City With Rampant Stop-And-Frisks, 11-Year-Old Deemed ‘Suspicous’ For Baggy Pants And Hoodie. If You’re A West Virginia Inmate, You Can’t Read This Story. LAPD adds drones to arsenal, says they’ll be used sparingly.

Researchers Find Association Between Porn Viewing And Less Grey Matter In The Brain.

14 Bros Charged in Fraternity Hazing That Cost a Pledge One Testicle.

Lawrence actually defended his new brothers in a November interview, saying the ball-smashing was “not hazing.”

“It was a freak accident more than anything. It definitely wasn’t meant to happen, not hazing whatsoever,” Lawrence told WLWT.

* NC Senate amendment drops provision to close ECSU.

* AP History in the Less Magic Kingdom: “Snow White the False.” The Sea Witch Sets The Record Straight.

College football and basketball players have finalized a $40 million settlement with a video game manufacturer and the NCAA’s licensing arm for improperly using the likenesses of athletes, leaving the NCAA alone to defend itself in the upcoming Ed O’Bannon antitrust trial.

* Competitive yoga, because there’s nothing Americans can’t turn into a competition.

* A Brazilian Street Artist Has Created the World Cup’s First Viral Image.

* UC President Janet Napolitano said the university will lead research to develop an implantable device that will retrain the brains of the mentally ill. What could possibly go SARCASM OVERFLOW ABORT/RETRY/FAIL

* World ‘on the verge of next mass extinction’: Humans have caused extinction rates to increase by up to 10,000 times.

* EPA rules may force Wisconsin utilities to reduce coal use. EPA Rule Will Cut Power Plant Emissions By 30 Percent By 2030. Well, that’ll fix it!

* And finally it can be told: What was Rogue’s missing plotline in Days of Future Past?
