Gerry Canavan

the smartest kid on earth

Posts Tagged ‘blood quanta

Three for Sunday Night

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* Cory Booker, surrogate from hell. But what does it profit a man to gain a Senate seat and lose his soul?

* This Elizabeth Warren thing is breaking my heart. She would have been a decent candidate for the Democratic nomination in 2016, but I can’t see that happening now unless she can provide some evidence she’s really Cherokee. Really sad.

* Ignatiy Vishnevetsky: Anderson, it seems, has finally and thoroughly gone up his own ass—and yet the film happens to be one of his best and most inviting works. Moonrise Kingdom—deftly orchestrated but deliberately uncomplicated—is easily Anderson’s sweetest, most sincere movie, and the only one, aside from Rushmore, where the director’s stylistic and thematic conceits are perfectly in sync. It may be the twee-est, archest film of a director frequently accused of tweeness and archness, and it may veer closer than any of Anderson’s other films to outright kitsch (e.g. the brownish, Jean-Pierre Jeunet-style color grading)—but there is a grace and a beauty to the way all of its fussed-over parts click together.