Gerry Canavan

the smartest kid on earth

Quick Monday Morning Links

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* Two from Kevin Drum: How Obama’s advisors are screwing things up and how bad practices in climate change science are screwing things up. The second link, I think, suffers from the misperception that there is some sort of rational discussion about climate change taking place in some imagined Habermasian public sphere; what’s actually happening is that denialism has become a plank of the Republican party platform. “Good science” can’t overcome the primal need to be a good member of the tribe.

* Between the blanket refusal to discuss Shelby’s blanket hold and their deafening silence about an embarrassing Palin story that would have been shouted from the rooftops had it happened to Obama, can we finally stop talking about liberal media bias?

* Shades of The Wire: New York City police cop to juking the stats. (Thanks Michele!)

* Comcast, tired of being known as the worst company in the world, is changing its name.

* Travel beautiful Dagobah: minimalist Star Wars travel posters.

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