Gerry Canavan

the smartest kid on earth


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* “This used to be a forest?” The age of extreme oil.

* This is such a simple point, but it sort of needs to be shouted from the rooftops: to change the basic and fundamental framework of the law in response to the crisis of the moment – or what is deemed to be a crisis – is to clarify that the law is a dead letter, like a fire insurance policy that is not valid in cases of fire. Aaron’s talking specifically about the current crisis in Quebec, but the point is widely applicable to the last forty years of public life in the U.S., accelerating since 2000.

* “The cruelest thing you can do to Kerouac,” Hanif Kureishi has a character say in The Buddha of Suburbia, “is reread him at thirty-eight.” If that was true, I wondered as I opened the first two volumes of the Library of America’s ongoing series of the complete novels, then what of Vonnegut at a decade older still?

* From the Dan Harmon files: Community and Dan Harmon’s Imploding Author Function. The Darkest Timeline. Daniel Fienberg. Josef Adalian. Maureen Ryan.

* Bumper sticker of the month: MY OTHER CAR IS A STUDENT LOAN.

* Because it’s there: Oldest Woman to Climb Mount Everest Breaks Her Own Record.

* NAACP Endorses Marriage Equality.

* Science proves my script for Sherlock Holmes and Hamlet Meet Dracula is a guaranteed blockbuster.

* And once again mightygodking solves Hollywood’s problems, free of charge.

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