Gerry Canavan

the smartest kid on earth

Posts Tagged ‘Boba Fett

Just a Few for Friday

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* The draft program for SFRA 2018 is available. See you in July!

But that promise is part of what makes the movie’s sins so egregious. In the course of illuminating some of Han’s most famous exploits, including his record-setting Kessel Run and his acquisition of the Millennium Falcon, “Solo” turns into one of the most frenetic “Star Wars” movies. It whips us around so fast, though, that it’s impossible to see much; it’s less storytelling or world-building than the shallowest kind of tourism. Most disappointing of all is the trip that “Solo” takes into its hero’s head. Instead of making that journey and emerging with something rich and complicated that explains how Han became one of the great characters of the blockbuster era, and one of the most intriguing men in modern movies, “Solo” comes back mostly with treacle.

* But nevermind all that! The Boba Fett movie will solve everything!

Under The Skin: Why That ‘Arrested Development’ Interview Is So Bad. Jason Bateman Showed How “Family” Is Used To Excuse The Inexcusable.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents. Even more here. ‘We’re closed!’: Trump vents his anger over immigration at Homeland Security secretary. The feds lost – yes, lost – 1,475 migrant children. 

* Keeping climate change to 1.5°C relative to 2°C could cost $300 billion but save $20 trillion. Of course we’re not going to do it, but.

* SDS serves as a warning about the fragility of political ideas in the abstract, and how quickly they can be remade when history comes knocking.

* “There’s a reason Uber would tune its system to be less cautious about objects around the car,” Efrati added. “It is trying to develop a self-driving car that is comfortable to ride in.”

* And today in unprecedented shocking developments: N.J. Democrats loved the idea of taxing the rich — until they actually could do it.

All the Friday Night Links!

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* We are ruled by fools: The amount of airtime granted to climate change on both the Sunday shows and the nightly news was up, too — to a total of 27 minutes, and an hour and 42 minutes, respectively, for the entire year.

* So long and thanks for all the fish: Freedom Industries has declared bankruptcy.

“Why Is The Rest Of The Country Fixated On A New Jersey Traffic Jam And We Have No Clean Water?”

Fracking Chemicals In North Carolina Will Remain Secret, Industry-Funded Commission Rules.

Judge Rules Detroit Is Trying To Give Banks ‘Too Much Money.’

Remember that most of the “steps” any insurance company or pharmacy makes you go through are pretty much nothing but hoops, in the purest sense of the word. These are obstacles being placed in your path in hopes that you will become discouraged and give up—and they won’t have to pay for your medication or treatment. Show them that you are not going away.

* The headline reads, “Six Years After Chemical Ban, Fewer Female Snails Are Growing Penises.”

* TFA isn’t working.

Every Scary, Weird Thing We Know the NSA Can Do.

The Most Dangerous Sentence In U.S. History.

Total Disaster as Springsteen Tries to Sell Recordings of Live Shows.

* The rule of law still has a few bugs in it.

* Star Wars retcons we can get behind.

* Someone stop J.J. Abrams before he kills again.

* BREAKING MUST CREDIT CANAVAN’S RAZOR: The point of the STEM push is to lower STEM wages, not help people get jobs that don’t exist.

* BREAKING: Comedians are psychopaths psychotics. See comments.

* Johnson’s No More Formaldehyde Baby Shampoo.

Even half of Utah supports marriage equality.

* Turns out California wrote their don’t-use-Google-Glass-while-driving law in a way that’s seemingly impossible to enforce.

The Myth Of The Absent Black Father.

UNC Stops Professor Mary Willingham From Researching Athletes’ Low Reading Levels.

* Rob Nixon is giving a talk at UWM’s Century for 21st Century Studies next Friday.

* Wisconsin may eliminate ban on 7-day work weeks. Workers will be allowed to “volunteer” for extra work.

This medieval manuscript curses the cat who peed on it.

* This transphobic publication hounded a woman to suicide. You’ll never guess what happened next.

Pope Benedict Defrocked 400 Priests For Molesting Kids.

We Would Have Eliminated Poverty Entirely by Now if Inequality Hadn’t Skyrocketed.

They almost put Disney World in Saint Louis.

* And Lex Luthor: Hero!