Gerry Canavan

the smartest kid on earth

Archive for July 2010

AMC, Don’t Break My Heart

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io9 has the first cast photos from The Walking Dead. I have to confess: I’m pretty excited for this.

Written by gerrycanavan

July 15, 2010 at 7:27 pm

Important Dr. Seuss Update

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I’ve been thinking about this all day.

Written by gerrycanavan

July 15, 2010 at 6:55 pm

Behold the Man

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Scientists have shown I’ve read a lot of science fiction novels: nearly all of this list. (And this one.)

Rocking Thursday Night

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How We Subsidize Fossil Fuels

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They Were *All* the Devil!

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Written by gerrycanavan

July 14, 2010 at 8:14 pm

Carry On My Legacy and Put an End to B.S.

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Duke University will be studying adult picky eaters. At last my neuroses get the attention they deserve!

Picky eaters tend to gravitate to certain foods, including blander products that are often white or pale colored, like plain pasta or cheese pizza. For reasons that aren’t clear, almost all adult picky eaters like French fries and often chicken fingers, health experts say.

(Really, I’ve gotten better.) What this proves, of course, is that all non-normative eaters are literally insane.

Written by gerrycanavan

July 14, 2010 at 7:41 pm


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I have a new life’s ambition: to be named Admiral in the Great Navy of the State of Nebraska.

Written by gerrycanavan

July 14, 2010 at 7:23 pm

The Cream Has Sat Out Too Long

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* Circumstances when whipping it should be considered.

* I can’t believe there are actually people who think drilling for oil in Lake Michigan would be a good idea.

* Lloyd’s of London says get ready for Peak Oil.

* What caffeine actually does to your brain. One of my bigger regrets about the tail end of my miserable spring semester is letting caffeine back into my life after a two-year banishment. I’m still drinking it here in Ireland because it’s plentiful and delicious with cane-sugary goodness, but once I get back I may have to return to full-on prohibition.

* And I was excited by reports that the Higgs boson had been found, but now apparently it hasn’t.

Fantasy Sports Don’t Ever Need to End

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The World Cup may be over, but fantasy sports don’t ever need to end. Duke Lit is doing its usual Fantasy Premier League this fall and you should too. As I’ve mentioned, any sports-related competition in which I regularly place in the top three is one anyone can easily win. Even you. Join us… join us…

Email me or leave a comment to get our league codes.

Written by gerrycanavan

July 13, 2010 at 7:19 pm

Finally Delivering on the Campaign Promises Made by John McCain

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Eric Alterman on Barack Obama and kabuki democracy. Via MeFi. There’s a lot of the usual excuse-making here, some of it legitimate—but if you can’t come to terms with the fact that Obama and Reid repeatedly and unnecessarily choose filibuster-vulnerable legislative strategies that require the good will of Republicans for success, you’ll never understand why progressive legislation always fails. The word “reconciliation” doesn’t even appear in the article.

Why You’ll Cheat

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The Daily Beast has the facts on why you’ll cheat. It seems to me these studies are pretty hopelessly compromised by the fact that they necessarily rely on self-reported and court-disclosed infidelity; maybe people with advanced degrees and those (who admit to) using online porn are just much more likely to admit they’ve cheated.

Written by gerrycanavan

July 13, 2010 at 3:26 am

A Few Links

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* Nobody knows how much milk you should drink a day, but it’s pretty likely I drink too much.

On the other side, groups promoting animal rights and veganism — including PETA and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine — say that cow’s milk is a nutritional nightmare that doesn’t belong in the human diet. “It’s gross,” says Dr. Neil Barnard, author and founder of the PCRM. “Milk is nutritionally perfect for one purpose: feeding a calf,” he says. “The idea that we should be drinking milk from a cow is just bizarre.”

Okay, that’s fair.

* Democracy Now reports on Haiti six months after the earthquake.

* Duke University in the news, shamelessly promoting belly-buttonism.

* A Texas company S2C Global Systems has announced that it is moving forward with a plan to ship 2.9 billion to 9 billion gallons of water a year from the small Alaskan town of Sitka to the west coast of India (near Mumbai). If the company succeeds in carrying out the shipments, the deal would represent the world’s first regular, bulk exports of water via tanker.

* And Talking Points Memo and The Big Picture (1, 2) have your World Cup 2010 methadone.

Cleveland Wept

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Written by gerrycanavan

July 12, 2010 at 12:01 pm

Wake Me When It’s Over

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Written by gerrycanavan

July 12, 2010 at 7:35 am