Gerry Canavan

the smartest kid on earth

Megadisaster Megadittos

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One of the real evils of parliamentarist politics has been the inculcating of political passivity, which amounts to the exclusion of the masses from politics. We are thus in the position where almost everyone knows that there is a huge crisis brewing and that it will probably affect them in their lifetime, and yet few people know how to act.

lenin has a solid post up about climate change and the coming environmental megadisaster, with a lot of links (many of which have been linked here before). It’s a great post, which like most such posts is both completely orthogonal to the nonsense being spoken either in the media or in the halls of power. Or, as lenin puts it:

This is a global holocaust in preparation, and the newspapers are preparing for it by urging us to fly off to the tourist hot-spots before they are underwater or unliveable.

Written by gerrycanavan

November 19, 2007 at 8:29 pm

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